We do not need to be convinced how important it is to ensure favorable living conditions for the present and future generations and to implement the right to use environmental resources and preserve its value. We hear in the media about the importance of an ecological approach, about non-invasive coexistence with the surrounding nature, but also about the foolish policies of some corporations, or even states that do not consider their impact on the functioning of our planet.
How our Company joins the mainstream of caring for sustainable development, we learned during the National Sales Cyclic Meeting in August this year. We could saw it by watching the film and hearing about the fact that the strategy of the Chiesi Company is to conduct business in accordance with respect for natural resources and achievement of balance in the development of the Company.
Let me remind you that by supporting the Sustainable Development Agenda the Chiesi Group has created a Manifesto which defines our operating principles. Symbolic signatures by the Company owners and managing directors took place during this year's Annual Meeting in Parma.
September 12, 2018 became the beginning of a wide action in the entire Chiesi organization. On that day meetings with employees working in Parma and in all Chiesi Affiliates worldwide were planned to build up the awareness of the impact the activities carried out by our Company have on the environment and the local community.
During that meeting in the Polish office, we talked about several dimensions of caring for the world around us, about the fact that we cannot exploit natural resources only for ourselves but we should leave something for the future generations.
The meeting started with a film by Maria Paola Chiesi who is involved in implementing the idea of sustainable development in the entire corporation, and who explained the reasons why the Chiesi Company is engaged in this project.
The first invited guest – Representative of the Responsible Business Forum, in his speech "Socially responsible business - how the best on the market works" talked about sustainable development from the Polish perspective and practice. This is the approach of the Polish companies to a planning and decision-making process which is focused on protecting the environment and limitation of the exploitation of resources, and is tailored to the strategy of each responsible enterprise.
"How to function ecologically in an office building?" was explained by the manager of the Eurocentrum OFFICE COMPLEX building where our office is located. I can honestly say that this presentation "opened our eyes", because we were not aware of so many ecological solutions which were used in designing the office building we work in. Not everyone knows that we work in a place that meets the highest eco standards which can be offered by an average office building, that the whole office complex was awarded with a Platinum Certificate and that bee breeding located on the roof of that office building is the highest located apiary in Poland.
At the end of our meeting the General Director, Krzysztof Łokaj, explained which are "the goals of sustainable development in the Chiesi strategy". He talked about our local company's activities being included in the Global activities and how we respect the environment and act for the benefit of the local community.
On that day we were dressed in the color which symbolizes the Objective No. 10 "Reduced Inequalities" and guides our local social activities in Poland as we dedicate one day a year by working together for children at risk of social exclusion.
On the 12th of September the employees of the all Chiesi Affiliates symbolically signed the Manifesto, which defined the principles of our functionality in the sustainable development strategy. (Please see below the text of the Manifest ). You can put your signature on it in our office because the document has been placed on a wall in the Capri conference room, which is our "big” conference room.