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By providing patients with modern solutions out of concern for their health, Chiesi Group also supports local activities for education and preventive healthcare carried out by patient organizations and other healthcare stakeholders. Cooperation with patient organizations implies total transparency of action, mutual respect and independence.




Forms of (financial and non-financial) support for patient organizations by Chiesi Poland Sp. z o.o. for the period January-December 2015

 Name of patient organization

Type of support


Polish Society Against Cystic Fibrosis

Financial support for educational purposes

PLN 10,000

Federation of Polish Patients

Patronage of the website: TotylkoAstma.pl

PLN 15,000






Name of patient organization

Type of support


Polish Society Against Cystic Fibrosis

Financial support for educational purposes

PLN 12,000

Foundation for Cystic Fibrosis Patient and Family Support (MATIO)

Financial support for educational purposes

PLN 6,000




Name of patient organization

Type of support


Polish Society Against Cystic Fibrosis

Financial support for statutory purposes

PLN 10,000

Financial support for educational purposes

III National Scientific and Training Conference, Nursing in cystic fibrosis – palliative care

PLN 10,000

Stowarzyszenie „Ponad Barierami” Na Rzecz Osób Zagrożonych Wykluczeniem Społecznym (“Beyond Barriers” Association Against Social Exclusion)

Financial support for educational purposes

National Conference "Addiction –Civilization Disease”

PLN 2,000

Federation of Polish Patients

Patronage of the website: ToTylkoAstma.pl

PLN 25,000

Foundation for Cystic Fibrosis Patient and Family Support (MATIO)

Financial support for statutory purposes

PLN 11,685

Financial support for the Social Campaign “12th National Week of Cystic Fibrosis” 

PLN 43,050




Name of patient organization

Type of support


Polish Society Against Cystic Fibrosis in Rabka Zdrój

Financial support for statutory purposes

PLN 10,000

Polish Society Against Cystic Fibrosis, department in Gdańsk

Financial support for statutory purposes

PLN 2,000

Foundation for Cystic Fibrosis Patient and Family Support (MATIO)

Financial support for educational purposes

PLN 13,038